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- Restoration of Large-Format Paintings Stored on Rollers DETAILS
- Archaeological Expeditions DETAILS
- Project for the restoration of Silvestro Manaigo’s painting Herod’s Feast DETAILS
- Project for the partial restoration of the Leonardo da Vinci Hall. Mid-19th-Century Doors DETAILS
- Project for the Restoration of a 19th-century Chest-table DETAILS
- Restoration of the Buddhist Icon-scroll of the Healing Buddha, from the Khara-Khoto Collection (12th–13th Century) DETAILS
- Regeneration of the Most Ancient Amber DETAILS
- Report on the restoration of Lucas Cranach the Elder’s painting Venus and Cupid DETAILS
- Report on the restoration of Nikolai Gustavovich Shilder’s Portrait of Emperor Alexander III DETAILS
- Реставрация картины Яна ван ден Хекке «Натюрморт» DETAILS
- Project for the creation of a new permanent exhibition "Ancient colonization of the Northern Black sea region" DETAILS
- Restoration of the Album of Sketches of Jewelry by K. Faberge DETAILS
- Project for the restoration of Carl von Steuben’s painting "The Fatal Wounding of General Moreau" DETAILS
- Project for the restoration of Alexander von Kotzebue’s painting "Russian Forces Crossing the Gulf of Bothnia in 1809" DETAILS
- Project for the study and restoration of two paintings by Paul Gauguin – Landscape with Two Goats (Inv. No ГЭ-7707) and Three Tahitian Women on a Yellow Background (Inv. No ГЭ-7708) DETAILS
- Project for the Restoration of an Armillary Sphere DETAILS
- Return of Displays to the Halls of Classical Antiquity DETAILS
- Restoration of Album with Indian Miniatures DETAILS
- Restoration of Nicolas Tournier’s Lute Player DETAILS
- Restoration of Andreas Caspar Hune’sPortrait of Empress Catherine II DETAILS
- Report on the Restoration of Nicolaes Berchem’s Painting The Rape of Europa DETAILS
- Restoration of Painted Shield of the Mid-16th Century DETAILS
- Conservation of three frames in neo-Gothic style DETAILS
- Restoration of Poussin’s painting Tancred and Herminia DETAILS
- Study and Restoration of a Bureau with a Musical Mechanism made by David Roentgen and Peter Kinzing DETAILS
- Restoration of the "Atlas" toilet set DETAILS
- Restoration of the painting "Lute-Player" by Caravaggio DETAILS
- Project for the Restoration of an Astronomical Clock with Celestial and Terrestrial Globes DETAILS
- Реставрация картины Джулио Романо (Джулио Пиппи) «Любовная сцена» DETAILS
- Restoration of a rare Chinese fan from the State Hermitage collection DETAILS
- Restoration of a Rock Crystal Lamp DETAILS
- Restoration of the Telegraph Apparatus of the XIX Century DETAILS
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