The State Hermitage Museum
Director's words
Your support is of the utmost importance for the museum to fulfill its mission, to preserve our collection and make it accessible. The Hermitage depends on a wide range of funding sources. There are many ways to support our museum. By joining the Hermitage Friends Club, you will help us ensure the preservation and enhancement of the collection for future generations to come.


Read more about "Entrance Procedure for the Hermitage Friends"
07 August 2024
Entrance Procedure for the Hermitage Friends
Main Museum Complex and the General Staff Building: Entrance Procedure for the Hermitage Friends
Read more about "Completion of the restoration of The Red Wagon by Ilya and Emilia Kabakov"
29 March 2024
Completion of the restoration of The Red Wagon by Ilya and Emilia Kabakov
The complex restoration of the installation The Red Wagon by Ilya and Emilia Kabakov is coming to an end.
Read more about "XVIII Hermitage Gala Banquet on 29 June, 2024"
27 March 2024
XVIII Hermitage Gala Banquet on 29 June, 2024
This year it will take place on 29 June, 2024 at the General Staff Building, home to one of the most celebrated and visited Hermitage collections: collection of Impressionists and Post-impressionists.