How to use:

About the card
- Hermitage Patron card entitles the card holder and four guests to enter the Main Museum Complex and the General Staff building twice a day during the museum’s opening hours (please check for the latest updates on our website in the VISIT US section).
- Membership card entitles the card holder with guests to enter the museum without waiting in the line through the Komendantsky Entrance to the Winter Palace (see the picture below).
- Membership card is valid for one year starting from the date the card was issued. Its validity (last day of use) is indicated in the card’s bottom left corner.
- Membership card is personalized and has a unique number and barcode.
- In accordance with the ‘Regulations for the Hermitage Friends’ Club special program’, the holder of a personal Hermitage Friends’ card may not transfer it to third parties or use it for commercial purposes. Violation of the rules for the use of personal cards will result in the card’s blocking and further withdrawal from the owner.

How to enter the museum with the Hermitage Friends’ card?
- To enter the museum please scan the card’s barcode at the turnstile, then push the stile and go in. Repeat scanning and turning the stile for each guest. Please note that you only have 10 minutes for all your guests to enter; the card is then automatically blocked for one hour to avoid overuse.
What can be visited with the Hermitage Patron Card?
- Membership card provides for entering the Main Museum Complex and the General Staff building without waiting in the line, getting entrance tickets or extra payments.
- Visiting the Winter Palace of Peter the Great, the Menshikov Palace, the Museum of the Imperial Porcelain Factory and the Staraya Derevnya Restoration and Storage Center for the Friends is possible on the general basis, upon purchasing a ticket at full cost on the museum website
- Please check the latest Visitor information and the availability of free admission to the Hermitage exhibition centers with your Friends’ card before visiting these museums: we are constantly expanding the geography of our Friendship and the list of privileges available to our Friends!
- Hermitage Patron card entitles the card holder with up to four guests for one guided general tour of the museum and one guided visit to one of the Treasure Galleries (Diamond Room or Gold Room) during the year without extra payments, free of charge.
- To arrange these private tours, please send your request with preferred date, time of visit and the exact number of guests at least three working days in advance to our e-mail address: For more details please call the Friends’ office: +7 812 710 90 05.
Where is the Friends' entrance?
- Access to the Main Museum Complex for the Hermitage Friends is organized through the Komendantsky Entrance to the Winter Palace. It is the entrance from the Palace Square side nearest to the Millionnaya Street. Here you can also find the Friends’ office.

Museum addresses:
- The Main Museum Complex – 2, Palace Square
- The General Staff Building– 6/8, Palace Square
- The Winter Palace of Peter the Great– 32, Palace Embankment
- The Menshikov Palace – 15, Universitetskaya Embankment
- The Porcelain Museum – 153, Prospekt Obukhovskoy Oborony
- "Staraya Derevnya" Restoration and Storage Center – 37A, Zausadebnaya Street
Exhibition centers of the State Hermitage Museum:
- Hermitage-Vyborg Exhibition Center– 1, Ladanova Street, Vyborg
- Hermitage-Kazan Exhibition Center– Kremlin, Yunker School Building, Kazan
- Hermitage-Siberia Exhibition Center– 4, Museynaya Street, Omsk
- Hermitage-Ural Exhibition Center– 11, Vainera Street, Yekaterinburg